Last night boys were playing -- creating wonderful imaginative worlds as usual. Jason had taken a foldable playhouse we have and had set it over a child's rocking chair. This then, became their spaceship and they were happily blasting off to all sorts of interesting places when suddenly Xander said 'I need a hug. Bahbah, will you give me a hug?' Jason turned immediately and said 'Of course, Xander. Here is a hug.' Xander launched himself into his brother and they hugged fiercely for a few moments before resuming the space ship adventures. Tom smiled. "It is nice that they ask each other for hugs." he said. Yes... and then there are the times that they don't! Jason will suddenly grab Xander and squeeze him fiercely and Xander, never one to tolerate his free will being infringed upon, will shriek 'NO BAHBAH DON'T! YOU ARE TOO LITTLE!' Or Xander, in an excess of affection, will tackle Jason from behind (He is REALLY good at WWF takedowns!) and climbing up his now recumbant brother, will wrap his arms around his brother's head and squeezing, shriek 'I love you Bahbah. I am HUGGING YOU!'
Which reminds me of another time: Xander was mad at Jason for some reason and had used his favorite line 'You're too LITTLE!' to express his frustration. Jason, deciding to win this battle, loomed over his brother and announced 'No, I am NOT too little. I am BIGGER than you and if I am too little, then you are too little too!' Oh, this was not well done. Xander glowered at Jason and tackled him. Having knocked his brother to the floor, Xander climbed to his feet and glared down. 'I am bigger than you!' He asserted...
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