Monday, March 12, 2007

Tea Party

Well, yesterday was the 'first tooth' tea party. Jason and Xander sat at a little table in the living room and munched on a variety of goodies and drank tea out of itty bitty tea cups. They had a blast. Xander was especially delighted with the tiny tea cups. He must've drunk 6 or 7 cupfuls -- and he even had a go at pouring tea from the teapot (a lot of it hit the table!). Jason enjoyed the cups but I think he actually enjoyed the idea of the thing more... and he loved the finger ham sandwiches! Normally he won't eat ham... We had the 'tea party' as a substitute for dinner. It consisted of three kinds of finger sandwiches, fresh strawberries, raw broccoli/cauliflower and carrots. There were also small pieces of marbled cheese and, towards the end, some tea cookies. The tea itself was Mango Passionfruit herbal blend.
Following the eating, the boys gave each other 'tooth' presents -- Jason's was legos, of course, and Xander's was a mini-fig of Will Turner. Xander is very much into little figures. They were both very pleased with their presents. All in all, it was successful.

OH! Almost forgot: Jason made, for his father, two Captain Wavy Cape Tee-shirts. When Tom downloads the pictures of them, I will add them to this page. I think that they are wonderful. Jason has plans to make similar shirts for Hope, Zach, Xander, himself, and possibly for Mom:>

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