Thursday, March 08, 2007

Back again

Hullo there

thought of a few funny incidents that I thought I would record -- while I remember them! The first involves Xander. He is at that awkward age between needing a nap and not wanting one. Well, we have a routine: I take him into the bedroom, wrap him up in his Nemo Blanket and rock him in the rocking chair. Sometimes he will DEMAND to be put in his big boy bed, sometimes he will simply drape his head on my shoulder and beam at me saying, 'I'm a baby.' I say 'Well, baby so and so (he usually has a specific character in mind), it is time for you to nap. Close your eyes and be quiet now.' He will close his eyes for about half a second and then they will pop open. I will say 'Close your eyes or Mommy will sing.' This, it turns out, is an effective threat. "NOOOOO... Don't sing Mommy!' and he will screw his eyes tightly shut. After a moment, he will crack one eye and say 'Can I sleep with one eye open?' I respond 'Only if I can sing with half my mouth.' He grins at that one and closes both eyes. The next moment he will pop up and say 'I need a drink of water!' So he gets his drink. Then he lies down... and the next time he makes a move, I start to sing. That stops him. He lies back down... and sleeps.

I am not sure but that sleep has become a game to that one. At night, like clockwork, once all the books are done (and he is finally convinced that there are not going to be anymore!), and the lights are off, he will pop up and yell 'TOM TOM I NEED TO PEE!' (or poop). His father will come carry him off to the restroom. Then he returns. A moment of quiet then "I NEED A DRINK!' (so do I, at this point!) Jason just giggles. A drink is provided. Then 'TOM TOM I NEED TO GO TO THE POTTY!' He usually 'goes to the potty' at least three times before finally settling. Each time, his father's patience is a little bit thinner. Oh well... I don't remember anything like this with Jason. Of course, Jason wasn't self potty trained at two either!

I am including a couple of pictures of Jason's latest legos creations here. He has a blast building them and, now that Tom has his new camera, his father appears to be having a good time photographing them. Indeed, Jason has conceived the desire to create a photographic 'catalogue' of his creations. I suggested that a good companion volume would be a building guide... we will see.
So tonight is the first practice. Should be interesting since the forecast is for rain, rain and more rain -- and colder temperatures! Tom is going to try to 'get off early' -- leaving at 2 pm (normally he is supposed to leave at 2:30.) and will make a judgement call about the practice around 4 pm. I remember last year, though. There was one day in particular -- the rain was coming down in sheets, the skies, what one could see of them, were almost black so the coach called off practice and then, at 5 pm, sunshine. Of course, the fields would've been a muddy mess but after all, isn't childhood at least partly about mud?

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