Sunday, March 11, 2007



Baseball season has begun. First practice was on Thursday and it was a bit of a dud -- very cold, wet and Jason and Tom were both tired. Both of them were out-of-sorts when they got home. Xander, on the other hand, was very clear. He watched for a bit. Wanted to play desperatedly then, when it became clear that he was not going to be able to, he announced that he wanted to go home and get hot chocolate. I agreed and was starting to head to the car with him when I was stopped by one of the parents who wanted to give me some paperwork. I told Xander 'Wait a moment, baby, I'll be right there.' This, however, was not to be. I finished talking with the parent, looked around and yelled 'TOM! WHERE IS XANDER?' 'How should I know,' he yelled back, 'I'm not watching him!' We both looked around and then spotted him -- he was at the entrance to the parking lot, walking along with a towel over his head and obviously talking as he walked. We both belted over there -- Tom made it first -- and I took Xander home. He ate a balony sandwich, drank his hot chocolate, told me that I needed to have a baloney sandwich and hot chocolate ready for Jason when HE got home, then announced that he wanted his bath...

Saturday's practice went better -- of course, it was at 11am and it wasn't raining. I don't entirely know how it went, to be honest. Within the first few moments of arriving, Xander announced that he had to use the potty and since we couldn't see one anywhere on the field, I carted him back to the car, loaded him in and took him to the library. As we were entering the library, he said, very solemnly, 'Don't worry, mommy. We will go back to Baseball. I promise. I just need to use the potty.' And he did and we did and that might not have been the best choice. Once there, Xander wanted to play too -- with his daddy and his bahbah. He wanted to bat and when denied that option, wailed at the top of his lungs 'I want to be BIG TOO!' Poor tyke....

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