Jason has discovered two new passions: Mystery stories and slapstick movies. The first began, as you might expect, with the Scooby Doo Mysteries and Nate the Great. (Xander also likes Nate the Great. He has coopted my magnifying glass and wanders around with it, examining things.) Now he and Tom are reading the Encyclopedia Brown books. I guess it is not too much of a surprise, given his scientific bent. Of course, for pure light hearted fun, the Minnie and Moo books are favorites -- if you haven't read them, you should. They are really rather funny..
Jason's second delight these days is slapstick -- I borrowed an old collection of silent movies, not quite keystone cops (haven't been able to find them) but along those lines. Jason watched them with his Gma Pat and laughed and laughed and laughed. Then we watched some Laurel and Hardy and some Abbott and Costello. He loved them. Now all I have to do is find the LH episode with the piano...
Xander, of course, absorbs all of this like a sponge. His delight, however, is doing things that he knows will send Mom up the wall... like turning the stereo WAY UP or openning the linen closet doors for the cats. You always know when he has done something because you hear a wicked little giggle and see him vanishing. That one is a pistol.
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