Tuesday, April 03, 2007

First baseball game


No pictures of this, unfortunately. I didn't get to stay for the actual game. Tom had gone ahead to ready the field (we were the home team so it was his job). Mom, Xander, and I brought Jason to the field around 5:30 pm. The game was to start at 6pm. Xander played on the playground equipment while the team warmed up -- but it was cold, cold, cold and by the time 6 pm rolled around, Xander's hands were so cold that he was complaining about them. We went home. What I know about the first game comes from Jason and Tom and is as follows:

EVERYONE showed up (or, at least, everyone who could play. There is one little boy who broke his wrist. He was not at the game.) so they had a FULL compliment of children -- 24 kids between the two teams. The game begins at 6 pm with no new innings after 7:30. According to Tom, each team batted their entire line up each inning -- made for three VERY long innings. Jason and a boy named Gavin both got homeruns in the first inning. These were the only homeruns in the entire game. Jason was very pleased with himself -- 'I got a homerun, a single and a triple' he told me 'AND' (and this seemed to be his greatest source of pride) 'I didn't get ANY dirt on my face OR MY UNIFORM!' He nodded importantly as he told me this. He was so pleased with himself. Grin. I managed not to laugh or even smile. I just congratulated him. 'You are very proud of yourself, hmmm?' 'Yes' he agreed and marched off to get washed before bed. Considering that they had a few sessions with hail and freezing rain during the game, they seem to have had a very good, very happy game. A good omen for the season!

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