Thursday, April 26, 2007

Car troubles

Sigh. I do wish that we lived in a walker friendly place. The problem with the car was the power steering pump -- which we had replaced late last year (then it failed on the drive home and we had to return and have it re-replaced). The good news is that the part is still under warrenty and so there is no charge. The bad news is that this will be the third time these folks redo it in just 6 months... And more. The part was due in yesterday afternoon. It did not arrive so we have to wait through today. The boys will miss swimming -- which fries me a bit. Usually if they miss it it is because one or both is sick. That they should miss it because of the car... and, unfortunately, Tom can't work from home today because, surprise, surprise, his day is filled with meetings.

Oh well, such is life.

On a happier note, Jason is doing better and better at reading. He read to me for 1/2 an hour yesterday, finishing an entire Morris and Borris book despite his little brother's help. (Xander kept leaning over the book, trying to get a good look at the words and pictures. When Jason finished the book, Xander snatched it and announced 'NOW I WILL READ IT TO YOU MOMMY!') Jason is enjoying also the Saxon Math Kindergarten set that I bought. He did two lessons yesterday and would've done more but Mom resisted... had to get him ready to go to baseball. Both boys find the manipulatives fascinating and Jason and I have been talking about patterning -- ideas of symmetry and asymmetry etc. That is really rather fun, especially when I showed Jason how symmetry and asymmetry pertain to addition...

And then there are the words: both boys are creating useful words. Jason introduced 'yestereve' and 'reremembering' and Xander has contributed 'nexterday' -- I think I shall start a little journal of words that should be -- a sort of sniglets file, what do you think?

I also mentioned to Jason that if he had art work that he was willing to sell (and which passed Mom's inspection for quality) we could submit a few pieces to the Maple Valley Art show. The pieces might not sell, of course, but he has to be willing for that to happen since it is required of all submissions. He thought it a great idea ("HEY! I could sell my art and earn money for Legos!"). It will be interesting to see what comes of that plan.

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