There is snow on the ground again. The skies are grey and the wind blows cold through the plants outside. Inside the house is cold as we try to save on electric bills and the lightbulbs -- all of them the energy saving sort -- do little to brighten our spirits. In past years we have fled the grey skies of the Pacific Northwest for the sun in Arizona or Hawaii. This year, committed to paying down our debts, we didn't go and it has taught me an important lesson: Sunshine is not a luxury but a necessity.
So why talk about this in a blog about homeschooling? Simple -- sunshine, and the lack thereof, affects focus and creativity. The grey cold has settled into our bones, into our souls, and we cannot seem to find the excitement that learning usually brings. The question is, therefore, what is one to do? We cannot run to the sun, much as we would like to do so. We must make sunshine here. And this is where I wander off into schooly things.
I am not an unschooler -- not comfortable with being that relaxed. (My friends might say I am anything but!) but when the sun is gone, when the lethargy of winter enfolds us, I find that the only way to get through is to relax my death grip on our learning process and to 'unschool' to some extent.
Today, for example, we will be making bread (not sourdough. My starter is not up to snuff yet.) and cookies. I can work measurement math into that, I am sure. We will be examining owl pellets and discussing those birds who fly by night on silent wings. We will look at the Owl Pages and read The Guardians of Ga'hoole. When it warms up (I am ever hopeful) and dries out (There is a reason that Seattle is called 'The Emerald City' -- the P.N.W. boasts the only Temperate Rainforest in the United States.) we will build nesting boxes. That should take us through the week. Then, this weekend, my eldest son will be competing in the L.M.A. Open -- a Tae Kwon Do competition. I am not the sort to compete in sports so I am impressed with his courage and do what I can to support it.
In the meanwhile, I am hoping, hoping, HOPING, that this next week brings real sun -- not the tease that we had a week ago. My mother will be in town for my eldest son's birthday. We will be going to the Gauguin exhibit midweek then will load up and head to Portland to see The Art of the Brick. (I am of the opinion that one must grab opportunity when it presents itself. Smile.) I have little doubt but that we will find ourselves visiting Powell's Bookstore and the Rose Test Garden, two of our favorite places in the world. Ah, I will hope.
And this morning? This morning we will start with a happy song: Oh, Happy Day. Here is hoping that you have a happy, sunshine filled day.
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