Every parent of young children knows how terrfying silence can be. I was reminded recently of the 'dangers' of silence...
Was it just yesterday? I was feeling exhausted and had a blazing headache. Both boys were also tired -- both had been up relatively late the night before and both had gotten up ridiculously early. All three of us needed naps. The boys agreed to go lie down and, being ever hopeful, I went into my room to do the same. Curled up on my bed, cats all around me, I was just drifting off to sleep when I heard:
Giggles, giggles, giggles.
Thud, pad, pad, pad.
'My kitty doesn't love me anymore!' (Jason)
'Don't worry, Bah bah, I'll get her.' (Xander)
Thud, patter, patter,patter.
Thump, Thump.
'I gotter, bah bah. Capture complete.'
Giggles, giggles. More giggles.
Thud patter, patter, patter.
'Go getter Boo!' (Jason)
'I'm going Bah bah'
Thump thud thud thud
'Bah bah...'
'I'm coming, Boo'
'You'd better take her front end, Bah bah.'
And in the end, did you get any nap?
I'm not worried if you got the nap, what happened to the poor cat? lol
Just visiting from the blog yahoo group. :) This was suspenseful in its own way. I'm really curious! :)
~Jen B
Laugh. Papillion is an extremely sweet tempered beast. They thumped and dragged her and the moment she had a clear shot at the door, she headed out and hid under my bed...
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