Monday, August 03, 2009

Creative responses

Okay, so... we have a rule in this family: if someone says stop (specifically to tickling) then we stop. So last night, boys are in the tub and I am running around, trying to get everything set up for the night and the next morning. Suddenly I hear 'NO! NO! STOP!' and then a burst of giggles. I rush back and guess what I find: Jason is saying 'armpit!' and Xander is... tickling himself in the armpit! Hmmm... seems we have found a solution to the whole 'no tickling' thing. I leave. A short while later I hear: 'Bah bah, you can NEVER say 'armpit' again!' then more giggles.

So... who says creativity is dead?


flyin' granny said...

I love these little guys -- I know, I know, 'xander would bristle at the "little." Sigh.

BuzzandBahBah said...

Actually, he has recently decided that being 'little' has its perks -- not the least of which is curling up on my lap while I rock him...

flyin' granny said...

I just noticed that my first comment is from AUGUST 2009. Hmm! love