Friday, November 21, 2008

Funny moments

I read back through my most recent posts and realized that there are quite a few things that I left out. So, in the intere?st of accuracy...

One moment that stands out is a moment in the car as we left the T-Rex museum. Xander and Jason had had a blast and come out of the place and come out with all sorts of treasures. Sitting in the back of the car, sorting through his stash, Xander asked his big brother and the font of all wisdom, 'Bah Bah, can I be a paleontologist when I grow up?' His brother, without missing a beat replied 'You don't have to grow up. You just have to dig.'

Then there was the moment, watching Barack Obama's acceptance speech -- Xander was disgusted because no one was paying him any attention. In frustration he yelled out 'I DON'T LIKE PRESIDENTS! THEY ARE NOTHING BUT A LOT OF CONFUSED NOISE!' I gave my tearful child a hug and laughed a bit only to hear him inform his brother a short time later that 'when I grow up, I am going to be President. No one else is doing the job!'

There was also the moment during the trip to Tucson: We were going through the security check point. The boys had gone through and were collecting the stuff on the other side. A young securtiy guard was helping them load up their packs. When I arrived she said 'Did you hear that? They said 'Thank You!' She seemed stunned. I replied 'Yes, well, courtesy is always appropriate.' She looked at me and gave a big smile and said 'Good on you, Mom.' and then to the boys, 'Thank you. It has been a pleasure.' The boys smiled and waved and off we went. My boys:> They seem to charm airport personnel whereever we go. In Tucson, getting on the plane, a young security guard was so charmed by Xander that she gave him a pair of purple latex gloves. When we got home and I told his father, Tom's response was a laconic 'Yes, he is getting quite a collection of those!'

There were other moments but none spring to mind. I will record them as they come. Meanwhile, today I have a doctor's appointment and Xander has Tae Kwon Do. We are also supposed to drive to Tacoma to meet a little boy who is Pokemon/Legos mad for a play date. Gawk! This will be a busy sort of day.

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