The drama continues:
The other day, while at a meal -- cannot now remember whether it was lunch or dinner -- Xander held up his spoon in one hand, fork in the other and announced 'And now I SHALL CONQUER THE WORLD!'
The other day, while at a meal -- cannot now remember whether it was lunch or dinner -- Xander held up his spoon in one hand, fork in the other and announced 'And now I SHALL CONQUER THE WORLD!'
Without a blink, standing at the sink, I replied 'No. According to the Internet site on World Conquest, you can't do that until you have finished your food -- ALL UP!'
Xander looked askance at me.
Jason, quick as a wink: 'Yeah, because if you don't eat it all up, you won't have the energy for conquering the world.'
Xander, still somewhat suspicious, looking from brother to mother: 'And then what?'
Jason, glancing at me 'And then you have to get Mom's permission. It says so in the book -- 'No world conquest without your mother's permission.''
Xander was NOT impressed. 'I'm done then.' he said 'Can I go play?' And off he went, to conquer the legos pile.
Then, this morning, after using the toilet, he went dancing down the hall, singing something loudly. It sounded...odd. So I asked him (my mistake) what it was he was singing. He gave me his under the eyebrows grin and said 'The power of underpants is that you can take your penis out!' Seeing my face, the imp chortled and charged the rest of the way down the hall singing his risque song. Sigh. Will I never learn?
It has been hard, though, recently, what with Tom working ungodly hours. Hard on him, no doubt -- he is tired and stressed. Hard on the boys, though, as well. The other night, after several nights of not seeing daddy before bed, Xander burst into tears. 'I want to hug my Daddy!' I suggested, without thinking to carefully, I admit, that I could be a 'pretend Daddy' and I could give him a surrogate hug. He thought about that a bit and decided that that would do. His elder brother, however, was having none of it. 'I don't WANT you to be Daddy! I want you to be Mommy and I want Daddy home!' Sigh.
Earlier, Xander had offered to 'punch Boeing in the nose' if they kept Daddy away in Singapore too long. (Both boys were worrying that Tom would be there during Christmas. Thank heavens the wasn't!) Jason explained that that wasn't feasible because Boeing was too big, too many people. Xander's response was 'line'em up!' He is occasionally terrifying.
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