Saturday, July 14, 2007


Okay, I have been remiss. I have not been keeping up with this blog. Apologies to any who read it. So much has been happening that there are times when it is very difficult to remember where I put my head (glasses, keys, boys) let alone find time to actually write something coherent!

There for a couple of weeks, both the boys and I were really sick. Fever etc. I finally went into the doc and was placed on a ridiculously expensive antibiotic for a sinus infection. 4 days after finishing the antibiotic I still had a blistering headache so I went back in. Saw a different doc who seemed to think that the previous antibiotic hadn't worked (well, duh!) so she put me on a super high, extra long dose of another antibiotic (which was also expensive). After taking 4000 mg of Augmentin for five days, I called it quits. I felt awful on it. Had a headache but a different one. But there, for a brief period, we all felt better. During that time, Tom's older brother, John, and his new wife, Emmy, brought John's two sons up for a very brief visit. It was lovely to see them all and Emmy is a sweetheart. Jason and Xander were delighted to have their cousins and Xander was especially delighted to have Emmy -- another person to admire him.

Meanwhile, the sun has come out and somehow the boys and I have managed to get too much sun and so are having hystamine backlash -- sore throats, coughs, and drippy noses. AND on top of this, Tom has just been informed that he has to go to Singapore for (probably) two weeks to hand hold Singapore Airlines' hand.

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