Wednesday, February 28, 2007

childhood illnesses

Well, sigh, one of the things that one never thinks about when one has children/plans to have children, is the excitement of childhood illness. This time round it is Xander who is having a hard time.

Started on Sunday -- Donna had arrived home from a difficult trip and had suggested that they take us out to their favorite chinese restaurant as a way of celebrating Tom's birthday -- she'd missed it because she was out of town. We agreed and headed over to Issaquah to meet them around 4. Everything seemed to be fine but once we were in the restaurant and the food had been ordered/arrived, Xander began to fuss. He was 'done'. He wanted to 'go home.' Mommy didn't listen. What happened next was probably inevitable: Xander threw up. He'd only really had water, had refused food, but it was a LOT of water. All over himself, all over my leg, all over the floor. I excused us and hurried to the car. There I had a change of clothes for Xander -- though not for me. Tom followed with Jason and we headed home. That night and the next were a nightmare. Xander would beg for water (or Gatorade if that were all that was available) I would given him some and he would throw it up. I must've changed three beds and used up all the towels in the process. We shall have to get rid of the couch and the cushions on it as they are thoroughly drenched and unrecoverable. Sigh. At any rate, Tom stayed home Monday so that he could be with Jason while I took Xander to the doctor. Our appointment was at 8:40 am, we got home finally at noon. The doctor was concerned that the little ball Xander may have swallowed might be the culprit and ordered first an Xray of his throat and then a Barium swallow. Xander was amazing -- charming all who met him with long discussions of whatever was on his mind. He drank the Barium as directed, at least twelve swallows of it and his only comment was to ask if he could 'get down now' off of the table that they'd lifted him up on. The good news was that there was no sign of obstruction. The bad thing was that he hadn't had a bowel movement in days and so their next concern was bowel obstruction. All of Tuesday we watched, I made an appointment to take him BACK to the doctor's office for 2:40 -- and at 1:45 he finally pooped. What a relief. But that was not the end. Today, poor little tyke has diarreah -- which started while we were at the grocery where I didn't have a change for him -- and then, when he woke, he threw up all over himself and over the couch. I washed him up and let him sit in the bath with his brother in attendance while I went out to clean the floor and couch. Then while he was in the tub, he had another bout of diarreah... in the tub. So I got him out and on the toilet while I cleaned the tub. Then I cleaned him, put him back in the tub and cleaned up the floor.

Meanwhile, it looks like we will need to replace (1) the dishwasher and (2)the tape deck as well as the couch. Sigh. Such fun, don't you think?

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