May 14, 2008
Timing is everything -- and children know timing! Classic example was the other day in the car -- the adults were all feeling tense. All of a sudden, into the vibrating silence we hear Xander say reflectively 'I think now is a good time for Fish Lips' -- I glance back from the passenger front seat and sure enough, there he is, making 'Fish Lips'. We all cracked up. Sigh.
So... I had surgery on my left knee on April 28th. Mom very kindly came down to stay for a month to help us. It has been hard -- the house is small and everyone has been trying to adjust to new routines. I have been chafing at the bit: my knee hurts and I cannot bend it. I cannot run and when I trip or turn the wrong way, I scream. I feel badly for my family, having to go through this frustrating time with me but I am very grateful that they are here to do so... selfish, hmm?
MEANWHILE... Little league -- yeah, I am coaching Jason's Little League team -- continues. The Blue Jays are doing better all the time. Our next game has had to be rescheduled because the other team isn't (there is a shindig at one of the elementary schools and most of the team will be at that) so they won't have BB this week. I know that the boys will be disappointed but it might be okay. We will have to see. I know that it won't hurt my knee to have more recovery time!
Hmmm.... and on Friday we will drive to Oregon for Ian and Grace's daughter, Abbey's, graduation from Pacific University. We had hoped that Matt and his gang would make it too but they have decided, reasonably enough, that since they wouldn't get to see much of Ian et al, they will save their money and plan to go to Hawaii next year. As it turns out, Tom has been traveling to Singapore enough recently that with his next trip in June, he will have enough frequent flyer miles to get four tickets to Hawaii... so now all I have to do is to budget for a hotel and car and food etc and then coordinate dates with Matt's family. Yikes!
I need to sit down and catch up on my posting. Seems like time is once again getting away from me. But in the meanwhile, remember -- 'Tense Times call for Fish Lips'!