Heavens. Have a nasty cold. So tired and sick that I lay down on the couch while the boys played. That, of course, could not be allowed. Xander came over and began loading me up with toys. Then he decided that he wanted a hug so he dumped all the toys on the floor and clambered up on top of me. Then Jason decided to get into the act -- 'Lets play hide and seek.' I said 'Fine, as long as I don't have to move.' 'No, you don't have to move.' Said the organizer, 'You just have to count and then look.' So I closed my eyes and counted to ten. I could feel Jason climbing over my feet and crawling under the blanket I had on. Without openning my eyes, I pointed out that that was probably NOT the best place to hide. 'Okay' He got down and went off to hide. I counted to ten and said 'Where, oh where are Xander and Jason?' Xander yelled 'Here me am!' and bounced out. Then I asked 'But where, oh where is Jason?' Xander went straight to his brother (Not a huge surprise since he had followed Jason to begin with!) and said 'Here he is!' The game went on for a good fifteen minutes with that same scenario repeating itself over and over. Finally, Mommy rebelled and decided to feed the children...
Other stories? Well, last night we were discussing nightmares on the way home. Jason was trying to comfort me as regards a very silly nightmare I had had the previous night (it involved tiny robots guarding a house with laser beams). Xander was listening and just as we were getting the boys out of the car, he announced: "I had a nightmare. It about Battle Droids. I couldn't run away and then they pooped on me!" I laughed and laughed because his little face was so serious...
Once in the house, the boys began to discuss Christmas and Christmas presents. 'What do you want, Xander?' 'I don't know' he said. Then, a few moments later, he decided 'Me want a million dollars!' It starts young.
Jason, of course, has discovered the funadamental unfairness of big business. He had his wish list all set -- all the different legos sets that he wanted were on it. Then we went to the Legos store and there were a whole new batch of Bionicles! He said, in exasperation, 'Well, how am I supposed to get the legos I want if they keep adding more?' I said 'Been there kid. I wanted to read all the books in the library (am still trying!) and was disgusted to find out that they kept buying more!' He just looked at me, not blinking, waiting for me to come back to the important point. I said 'You don't really need anymore legos. You have about a billion (that statement has come back to haunt me repeatedly, I might add! He keeps wanting to know PRECISELY how many legos he has. One of these days, we will have to count them.) and I am sure that you could build most anything they have here. He cocked his head and thought about it, for all of a minute, then said (ala his father), 'Well, I probably have most of the bits but they always add new SPECIAL pieces and I don't have those!' Sad thing is, he is right about that. Wish legos would just sell bundles of their 'special' bits!